love always till the end

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 27, 2011

to U my sweet frenzz

hari ni sedey betoi sebab x dapat wakil skolah tuk bola jaring.. mula tu dah di pilih tapi last minute tetiba cikgu ckp dah cukup orang..eee...sedeyyyyyyyyy :( tapi x pe la . x de rezeki.

anyway, mlm ni saye sibuk buat present tuk rishika sebab birthday die n present jugak tuk alleya sebab birthdey aritu, saye x bgi ap2 pon.I hope they like my present.I want to give my frens the best present but i am just a school girl n do not have enough money to buy expensive present. but I LOVE MY FRIENDS A LOT! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

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